
Monday, October 3, 2016

Taking Risks on Advocating Change Through Mapping

Schadow1 Expeditions on Mount Marami

Change is the only constant existence in the world. It is inevitable. And change can lead to the betterment of society and can also lead to its destruction. Yet as citizens, we are tasked as humans, to contribute to uplifting the quality of lives of people. We owe this for sharing our time in this world through co-existence. In this ever changing world; paths, directions, and locations may change. And people must remain to be informed of such changes and so we may adapt. We need a map to graphically visualize them. We need expeditions to experience them, and we need stories to live by them.

Schadow1 Expeditions is a travel and mapping advocacy resource for the Philippines that started as a mapping advocacy in 2005. We map everywhere we go and plot them, in turn, leaving trails and directions... So that others may be able to experience and learn from our footsteps. As learning must remain constant in a constantly changing world.

In 2012, we have launched this website so that these maps we create can then be translated to stories and photographs.

In over 10 years of our advocacy, we have contributed more than 1.5 million changes in the map of the Philippines through over 50 expeditions nationwide.

Schadow1 Expeditions Mapping Contributions as of September 2016
Over 1.5 million map changes made by Schadow1 Expeditions
for the Philippines as of September 2016

The map we produce that compiles our and other hundreds of mapping advocates that helped in mapping the Philippines has provided not only change in maps; but permanently imprinted change in the travel, disaster risk reduction, and relief operations in the country.

Through frequently updated maps more people can find serenity through simplicity by experiencing mountain trails that once were never mapped and infrequently explored, but now being experienced.
Through updated maps lesser people get lost as maps already provide them with directions to their destinations. 
Through updated maps, those who were lost, can be easily be found, retrieved, and rescued. 
Through updated maps, we know where we should not go, or build our homes. 
Through updated maps, we know where we should go in times of impending disasters.
Through stories and pictures, we pave way for others to relive our adventures and help them on making their own stories to tell. 
Through mapping advocacy, we contribute change so that others can adapt to the changes. 
Through change in maps and changes in the number of our stories, we hope that this advocacy will spread like wildfire, not only in the country but to the ever changing world.

We owe our future generations by guiding them to the "right direction" through maps and through realizations brought about by the stories we tell.

Schadow1 Expeditions Routable GPS Map of the Philippines

Schadow1 Expeditions is an advocacy: aiming to ensure that Filipinos would not be a stranger to his country. We aim to contribute change to our maps by adapting through the changes that affects its landscape. We travel, climb mountains, sail through rough seas in ensuring these changes are documented in our articles and in our maps. So no matter what changes could happen, we ensure that a Filipino must not be a stranger to his own motherland.

State of the Map Asia 2016 - Schadow1 Expeditions
Schadow1 Expeditions at the State of the Map Asia 2016 conference

Schadow1 Expeditions was cited by the United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs as the GPS navigation map to use during the onset of Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) in the Philippines, and is now part of the Technical Working Group of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council of the Philippines

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