Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Optimal Tilt of Solar Panels in the Philippines

Bolinao Lighthouse Solar Panels Facing - Schadow1 Expeditions
Solar panels are effective when it faces perpendicularly to the rays of the sun. However, the sun does not stay exactly where it is as the earth rotates giving the sun its sunrise and sunset. And the sun does not tread the same location in the hemisphere as it moves about an angle depending on the time of the year. Hence a solar panel must have varying positions to maintain its maximum exposure to the sun. This article tackles about optimum solar panel positioning in the Philippines.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tracking Your Travels - An important safety travel tip for the outdoor enthusiast

We have heard about horror stories of people missing on the mountains. Having lost for five days or more in the wilderness, where the family has been anxious about one's situation and location. We've heard people who were lost forever; where people close to that person have been deprived of closure. Asking what may have happened, where might he be. Yet, there is only one solution to this problem that every traveler or adventurer must adhere to before one take that first step to go out from the confines of our comfort zone... let at least one person know where you are headed. Yet, is following this "golden rule" of travel already sufficient?