
Thursday, May 23, 2013

A list of Blogs that influences our next Mapping Expeditions.

It is time to get back to the bloggers that helped me fuel my interest in mapping the areas in the Philippines with very sparse mapping data. These blogs comprise the top 15 in my list wherein I use their experiences to prepare and plan for Schadow1 Expeditions' next mapping project.

1. Pinoy Adventurista

Schadow1 Expeditions consider his blog as the one with the most detailed information and has the objectivity in terms on planning for a trip to various provinces in the Philippines. His endeavor to completely visit the 80 provinces of the Philippines is well noted for his nationalism.

2. Journeying James

His account of his adventures and misadventures in roaming the whole country is astounding. Backpacking in a budget for 100 days and covering most of the country is a sure guide for ambitious Filipino travelers. Add to that his heart for the children.

3. Backpacking Philippines

A fellow mapping advocate owns this blog. Being knowledgeable in working with directions due to his background, his account of the places he has been to is very much detailed.

4. Pinay Solo Backpacker

Her treatment of her accounts of the places she has been to is concise and the pictures she took captures romantically the culture of various corners of the Philippines.

5. Vista Pinas

Another mapping advocate and is fond of satellite imagery. He captures the snapshots of different places in the Philippines and creates a detailed information of the location to give you an experience of a bird's eye view to a worm's on different places in the Philippines.

Other travel blogs that picked Schadow1 Expeditions' interest.

6.  Flip n' Travels
7 . Habagat Central
8.  Pinoy Mountaineer
9.  Batang Lakwatsero
10.  Wandering Beyond Borders
11.  Pinoy Travel Freak
12. Vivi's Random Ramblings
13. Insider Updates
14.  Grasya
15.  Jotan23

This is a cooperative post on Melo Villareal's Out of Town Blog 2013 Top Pinoy Travel Blogs Poll.

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